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Folleto actual Mary Kay - Válido del 01.06 al 31.08 - Página nº 31

Folleto Mary Kay 01.06.2022 - 31.08.2022

Productos en este folleto

FLAWLESS FACE Beauty Blotters* Mary Kay" z Mary Kay Mary Kay” Mary Kay Oil-Absorbing oil 2 | Foundation $ | Undereye Makeup Tissues, $8, Mattifier, < | PrimerSunscreen Y | Corrector, Finishing Spray ep $20, 6.07. É | BroadSpectrum 3 | $16,210z. by Skindinávia, Absorbs oil and SPF153$20,1f.0z | IS | helpswakeup $20, 2 fl. oz. helpscontrol Apply under foundation ¡ tired-looking Gives makeup shine foreight | toenhancewear jas 1 Es staying power to hours. o and perfect skin U lastup to 16 hours. Mary Kay' UVA/UVB PROTECTION very light Concealer, Sunscreen Broad $16, 2102. Spectrum SPF 15; y UNER eee ia >. + Light coverage. cio prN LEE ESSE . Oi-free moisturization. ES + UVA/UVB protection Perfecting a lightivory . | deepivory | Mary Kay” CC Cream AGE-DEFYING Pp r TimeWise" 2 ivoryC100 ivoryC110 ivoryW130 ivoryN 140 ivoryW150 | ivoryN160.. Matte 3D Foundation, ETRE $25, 1fl oz. > TimeWise' > l Luminous 3D 2 ivoryC 100 ivoryC110 ivoryW120 ivoryW130 ¡voryN 140 ivoryW150 | ivoryN Foundation, $25, 1f.0z 2 ESE e y - : 0 o IN | "e Mary Kay" Blending Brush, $16 O ==> SHINE CONTROL Endless Performance” ivory 1 Créme-to-Powder Foundation,' (Palette and cosmetic sponge sold separately) de 3 “Endless Performance" Créme-to-Powder Foundation contains a small amount of fragrance bronze 2 E bronze 4 OO Mary Kay' Silky Setting Powder, $20, 28 0z lightivory light-medium ivory | mediumivory deep ivory ARETES Mary Kay' All-Over Powder Brush, $16 Mary Kay" Sheer Mineral Mary Kay' Translucent Pressed Powder, Loose Powder, $18,.390z Ñ $18, 32 0z. Set your makeup. . Reduce shine. Besureto add a Mary Kay" jalette and applicator. AÍI prices are suggested retail | The best-seller logo/designation refers to top-selling products within the Mary Kay” product line. 31

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FLAWLESS FACE Beauty Blotters* Mary Kay" z Mary Kay Mary Kay” Mary Kay Oil-Absorbing oil 2 | Foundation $ | Undereye Makeup Tissues, $8, Mattifier, < | PrimerSunscreen Y | Corrector, Finishing Spray ep $20, 6.07. É | BroadSpectrum 3 | $16,210z. by Skindinávia, Absorbs oil and SPF153$20,1f.0z | IS | helpswakeup $20, 2 fl. oz. helpscontrol Apply under foundation ¡ tired-looking Gives makeup shine foreight | toenhancewear jas 1 Es staying power to hours. o and perfect skin U lastup to 16 hours. Mary Kay' UVA/UVB PROTECTION very light Concealer, Sunscreen Broad $16, 2102. Spectrum SPF 15; y UNER eee ia >. + Light coverage. cio prN LEE ESSE . Oi-free moisturization. ES + UVA/UVB protection Perfecting a lightivory . | deepivory | Mary Kay” CC Cream AGE-DEFYING Pp r TimeWise" 2 ivoryC100 ivoryC110 ivoryW130 ivoryN 140 ivoryW150 | ivoryN160.. Matte 3D Foundation, ETRE $25, 1fl oz. > TimeWise' > l Luminous 3D 2 ivoryC 100 ivoryC110 ivoryW120 ivoryW130 ¡voryN 140 ivoryW150 | ivoryN Foundation, $25, 1f.0z 2 ESE e y - : 0 o IN | "e Mary Kay" Blending Brush, $16 O ==> SHINE CONTROL Endless Performance” ivory 1 Créme-to-Powder Foundation,' (Palette and cosmetic sponge sold separately) de 3 “Endless Performance" Créme-to-Powder Foundation contains a small amount of fragrance bronze 2 E bronze 4 OO Mary Kay' Silky Setting Powder, $20, 28 0z lightivory light-medium ivory | mediumivory deep ivory ARETES Mary Kay' All-Over Powder Brush, $16 Mary Kay" Sheer Mineral Mary Kay' Translucent Pressed Powder, Loose Powder, $18,.390z Ñ $18, 32 0z. Set your makeup. . Reduce shine. Besureto add a Mary Kay" jalette and applicator. AÍI prices are suggested retail | The best-seller logo/designation refers to top-selling products within the Mary Kay” product line. 31

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